Magic Bars in the oven, filling my house with the aroma of goodness. Its all I have left to do but bake sweet things and any other thing that sounds yummy. this is my distraction. Has anyone ever made these things before? I mean i hope I don't love them so when Im not pregnant Im not tempted to make them over and over again. Not only are they incredibly easy but each ingredient is delectable on its own. Well, maybe I wont be tempted by sweetened condensced milk...
this website is a really great resource for baking. It hasn't failed me yet. But I do have to admit that I often just use it as inspiration. Baking, as much as I love it, doesn't work in that scientific way that it should. Im definately a perfectionist but when it comes to baking I don't fit in. Come to think of it I don't even fit in to the perfectionist category. Ok that's enough of my spacy pregnancy brain.
Yes, were still pregnant. We're only 2 days past due right now but the way it seems, it could be several more days before this baby joins us. Its a familiar story. And the babe is totally fine and healthy so we are not at all concerned. And until they arrive I will just continue to harrass Rob with sweets and other delectable goodies.
And as far as the flowers go hasn't stopped raining for weeks so at least I don't have to worry about them getting enough water. they seem to be growing up nicely but I am sure they would love some sunshine. Me too. Im starting to mold. Im incredibly jealous of all ya all down in socal who have gorgeous weather, as it is supposed to be here. I wont complain though. It will make it really easy to hole up with baby and nestle and cuddle for days on end.
love you all.